The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
1,005 lines
MARCH, 1990
COPYRIGHT 1989, 1990
Bowling League Secretary's System
Lloyd C. Bowen Jr.
Programs Included in the System.....................1
System Installation.................................1
System Overview ....................................3
Summary of File Contents............................4
File #1 - LEAGUE.LDR.............................4
File #2 - TEAM.LDR...............................4
File #3 - TEAM.DTL...............................5
File #4 - BOWLERS.LDR............................5
File #5 - BOWLER.DTL.............................5
File #6 - SCHEDULE.REC...........................6
File #7 - SCORES.REC.............................6
File #8 - SETUP.REC..............................6
File #9 - ADDRESS.REC............................7
Summary of File Usage...............................7
Setup and Operations................................9
Procedure Descriptions..............................9
Procedure #1 - MAKE............................10
Procedure #2 - SCHEDULE........................10
Procedure #3 - BOWLERS.........................10
Procedure #4 - ENTER...........................11
Procedure #5 - WEEKLY..........................11
Procedure #6 - CHANGE..........................12
Procedure #7 - REVISE..........................12
Procedure #8 - ALPHABETIC......................12
Procedure #9 - DISPLAY.........................13
Procedure #10 - PRINT...........................13
Procedure #11 - FINAL...........................13
Definition of Terms................................14
Appendix A - Tips for Special Occasions............15
Error Codes which have been reported...............16
Tips for new users.................................17
Shareware Concept
Shareware is Copywrited Commercial Software! You are allowed to
try before you buy, and freely give copies to your friends to try
before they buy. Only distributors authorized by the author may
make any charge for copies of Shareware programs. Anyone who finds
the program useful is required to send payment for use of the
program to the author or his listed agent.
Many League Secretaries are using this system, some with more than
20 teams and up to 36 rounds. I know you will enjoy it when you get
started. If you want to use version 2.X to read version 1.XX files
change League Leader Number of Weeks to 50. Version 3.xx won't read
Version 1.X or 2.X files until the files have been converted for 10
bowlers and 40 teams. A conversion program which converts 2.xx
files to 3.xx files is available to registered users upon request.
A Finance Manager is available to registered users for $25.00.
Please send any communications and your $25.00 per League Fee to:
Lloyd C. Bowen Jr.
2213 Peach Tree St.
Amarillo, Texas 79109-1922
The following files appear on the distribution disk:
Volume in drive A is BOWL 3.30
Directory of A:\
BOWL 000 152064 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL 001 44288 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL 002 10752 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL COM 31728 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL DOC 51885 03-09-90 11:35a = This File
BOWL HLP 12314 03-09-90 9:14a
CONFIG SYS 33 04-03-88 8:04a
7 File(s) 55296 bytes free
NOTE: Dates and file sizes will vary a little.
ADDRESS.COM is a mailing label program to use with your league and
comes to registered users "FREE" along with RECAP.COM which prints
recap (BOWLING LEAGUE RECORD) sheets for your league. It shouldn't
be run until most of the league membership has been assured, but
should be run before the sanction cards are turned in.
BOWL.COM is the main menu program, BOWL.000 and BOWL.001 contain
the overlay procedures which comprise the system and BOWL.HLP is
the help file for the system. BOWL.HLP is an ASCII file and may be
printed using the DOS PRINT command.
CONFIG.SYS is for use on floppy systems and contains three commands
for configuring your system; BREAK=ON, FILES=16 and BUFFERS=20.
To use a hard disk just copy these files to the same sub-directory
on your disk, (CAUTION: Do Not use the root directory on a hard
disk) delete CONFIG.SYS and make sure that the commands FILES=16 or
more and BUFFERS=20 or more appear in your CONFIG.SYS file.
Prepare two diskettes for use, first place a diskette in drive A:
and format the diskette with the system on it using the following
Repeat for Second Diskette. Then copy the above files on that
diskette until the directory looks something like the following:
Volume in drive A is BOWL SYSTEM
Directory of A:\
COMMAND COM 23612 03-21-86 12:01p
BOWL 000 152064 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL 001 44288 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL 002 10752 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL COM 31728 03-09-90 9:37a
BOWL HLP 12314 03-09-90 9:14a
CONFIG SYS 33 03-30-88 2:44p
7 File(s) 26112 bytes free
Include ADDRESS.COM if space exists, 344 bytes will be needed for
SETUP.REC which will be created later.
Copy to Second Diskette if needed (Registered Users Only):
Volume in drive A is BowlAddress
Directory of A:\
COMMAND COM 23612 03-21-86 12:01p
ADDRESS COM 64995 02-17-90 10:04a
RECAP COM 52786 02-17-90 10:26a
CONFIG SYS 33 03-30-88 2:44p
3 File(s) 160838 bytes free
NOTE: Volume label is your choice.
Place a blank diskette in drive and format it with the following
Repeat for Second Diskette.
Place the BOWL SYSTEM diskette in drive A: and reboot the computer.
If you wish to a particular date or time on your output, type DATE
to change the date and TIME to change the time. Then Type BOWL,
Press Enter, then answer questions properly until the main menu is
reached, then select Make to start a test league. I recommend
trying a couple of these, until you are comfortable with the
program, before trying an actual league. When you have entered
some scores the drive B: disk should look something like this:
NOTE: A hard disk sub directory may be used instead.
Volume in drive B is Kegler_Mens
Directory of B:\
LEAGUE LDR 214 10-15-89 2:47p
TEAM LDR 1476 10-15-89 2:47p
TEAM DTL 17580 10-15-89 2:47p
BOWLER LDR 9690 10-15-88 2:48p
BOWLER DTL 66258 10-15-88 2:48p
SCHEDULE REC 1617 10-15-89 3:47p
SCORES REC 216 10-15-89 8:07a - after entering
7 File(s) 261392 bytes free scores
Then copy the above files on the second diskette formatted without
the /S option. This is a Back-Up copy of your data.
If files appear with 0 bytes after a crash they should be erased,
files with zero bytes cause ERROR 99 (Unexpected End of File) which
will also appear if the Next ID number in the LEAGUE.LDR is too
high. The program won't recover from this kind of error, all you
can do is copy your backup records and start over.
This system was written as 21 overlay procedures representing 11355
lines of code. The system is written in Turbo Pascal for a 256k
IBM Personal Computer or close compatible with one or two disk
drives and a printer. As well as Tandy 1000, the system is being
used on a Commodore Amiga with a "PC board" and A Zenith 100 with a
"Scottie board", the Zenith user reports having to enter 00 instead
of 0 to use a blind score. The system is highly generalized,
permitting initialization of most items including:
League Name
Bowling Establishment
League Type - Including Mixed and Scratch Leagues
2, 3 or 4 Games per match
Team Configuration
Handicap Basis
Schedule - Automatically Sorts Position Rounds
As distributed, the system can handle 40 teams, up to 10 bowlers
per team (400 total), and up to a 50 round season. The 40 team
limit is a function of the space needed to print the schedule on 8
1/2" paper. If the Program is appropriately modified a much larger
number of teams can be accommodated. The actual limit is a
function of diskette capacity, number of teams, number of bowlers,
and number of rounds, but you must purchase the source code to
change these. If more than 24 teams are used a printer capable of
condensed or elite (up to 30 teams) type must be used in order to
have room for the schedule.
Programs are provided to initialize and change all master files,
enter scores and print standings (weekly), as well as prepare
ABC/WIBC book average listings, final team/bowler standings, and
display or print individual team/bowler record sheets. Almost any
Point Scoring may be used including Peterson. Match points are
displayed and printed in the format XX.X and total points in the
format XXX.X. This should be considered when choosing a point
The system is designed to be used on either a one or more disk
drive system with the file drive or fixed disk path set at program
start-up. Program selection is controlled by a master MENU
program. You will need to maintain all bowler files on a separate
diskette or in a separate directory. In a single drive
environment, DOS will provide prompts to insert the appropriate
Just remember - Drive A = PROGRAMS; Drive B = FILES.
The following pages show the names of files generated by this
program and the records kept in each of the files. Also included
is information concerning what can be entered in each file. Have
as much of the information needed before pressing M to start league
initialization or S to create the season schedule as possible.
Some data may be entered later with the Change procedure.
File Size = 215 Bytes
File Contents and Description:
League Name - Up to 30 Characters
Alley Name - Up to 30 Characters
President's Name - Up to 30 Characters
Secretary's Name - Up to 30 Characters
Season - Up to 30 Characters ie (1989 - 1990)
President's Phone - Up to 13 Characters
Secretary's Phone - Up to 13 Characters
Sanction Number - Up to 10 Characters
*Number of Weeks - From 1 to 50 {Now called Rounds}
*Number of Teams - From 1 to 40
*League Type - 8 Types are listed Mens, Womens,
Mixed and Scratch for either 3 or
4 games per match
*Bowlers per Team - From 1 to 10 = Number allowed on team
*Bowlers per Match - From 1 to 8 = For this team only
Next ID - From 1 to 401 - This is the
number of Bowlers in the League+1
*Handicap Base - From 0 to 300 - (Handicap Base minus Average)
*Handicap Percent - From 0 to 100 times Handicap Percent equals
*Maximum Handicap - From 0 to 240 Handicap (Individual only).
*Use Last Year Avg - From 0 to 21 Number of Games
Skip Subs - True or False ?Subs in Individual Standings
HighAvg - True or False ?Print High Averages
HighHCP - True or False ?Re-figure after 21 games
PrintScratch - True or False ?Team hi scores scratch
*Mandatory to start Make (the league initialization procedure)
File Size = 82 Bytes per team
File Contents and Description:
Team Number - From 1 to 40
Team Name - Up to 30 Characters
NOTE:The rest of this file is created by the program with no input.
Record Count - From 0 to 50 - 1 for each round bowled
Games - From 0 to 200 - 1 for each game bowled
Total Pins - Total Pin Count - includes handicap if any
Average - Total Pins divided by Games
High Game - Highest Game so far this season
High Series - Highest Series so far this season
HighGameHCP - Highest Game so far this season with handicap
HighSeriesHCP - Highest Series so far this season with handicap
Points Won - Points Won so far this season
Points Lost - Points Lost so far this season
Bowler ID's - 1 ID Number for each Bowler on Team
File Size = 300 Bytes + 30 Bytes per team per round.
File Contents and Description:
Team Number - From 1 to 40
Month - Up to 2 characters - Month match was bowled
Day - Up to 2 Characters - Day match was bowled
Game 1 Score - Even number - Team score for first game
Game 2 Score - Even number - Team score for second game
Game 3 Score - Even number - Team score for third game
Game 4 Score - Even number - Team score for fourth game if any
Series - Even number - Team score for series
Points Won - Decimal number - Points Won this match
Points Lost - Decimal number - Points Lost this match
File Size = 85 Bytes per bowler
File Contents and Description:
Bowler ID Number - From 1 to 400 - In order entered into file
Gender - M = Male F = Female
Last Name - Up to 15 Characters - These should total no
First Name - Up to 15 Characters - more than 20
Phone Number - Up to 13 Characters
Social Security # - Up to 11 Characters
Record Count - From 0 to 50 - Number of rounds Bowled
Games Bowled - From 0 to 200
Total Pins - Scratch
Average - Total Pins divided by Games Bowled
High Game - Up to 300 High Game this season scratch
High Series - Up to 1200 High Series this season scratch
Current Series - Up to 1200 Last Series Bowled this season
Handicap - Up to 200 Calculated after 21 games
High Game Hcp - Up to 500 - Calculated after 21 games
High Series Hcp - Up to 1200 - Calculated after 21 games
Team Number - 0 to 40 - Team assigned to
Last Years Avg - Up to 300 - Used Until 21 Games for handicap
and to calculate improvement.
File Size = 180 Bytes + 18 Bytes per bowler per round
File Contents and Description:
Bowler Number - From 1 to 400
Month - Up to 2 characters - Month match was Bowled
Day - Up to 2 Characters - Day match was Bowled
Game 1 Score - Up to 300 - Score for first Game
Game 2 Score - Up to 300 - Score for second Game
Game 3 Score - Up to 300 - Score for third Game
Game 4 Score - Up to 300 - Score for fourth Game if any
Series - Up to 1200 - Score for series
File Size = 49 Bytes + 49 Bytes per round
File Contents and Description:
Status - L = Lanes R = Regular P = Position Night
Date - Up to 5 Characters - Date to Bowl (mm/dd or dd/mm)
Lanes - Up to 40 Numbers - Either Lanes or Teams
SCHEDULE.REC file is not created by the Make procedure so it won't
be on the disk until the Schedule procedure is run.
File Size = 18 Bytes per high roller
File Contents and Description:
Bowler ID No. - From 1 to 400
Game 1 Score - Up to 300 - Score for first Game
Game 2 Score - Up to 300 - Score for second Game
Game 3 Score - Up to 300 - Score for third Game
Game 4 Score - Up to 300 - Score for fourth Game if any
Series - Up to 1200 - Score for series
High Game 1 ? - True or False
High Game 2 ? - True or False
High Game 3 ? - True or False
High Game 4 ? - True or False
High Series ? - True or False
High Count - 0 to 5 - Number of Trues above
This file is rewritten each round when scores are entered and the
information is used to create the round highlights lists. A
SCORES.REC file is not created by the Make procedure so it won't be
on the disk until the first rounds scores are entered.
NOTE: Skipping teams really can screw this up.
File Size = 344 Bytes
Adaptor - 0, 1, 2 or 3 depending upon type of monitor
Elite - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
FormLength11 - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
FormLength13 - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
FormLength14 - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
Init - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
LetterQuality - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
LineFeed6 - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
LineFeed8 - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
LongPaper - Yes or No ?Use 13 inch long paper - The default is
LongerPaper - Yes or No ?Use 14 inch long paper 11 inch paper
Narrow - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
NoUnderline - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
PageLength11 - Maximum number of lines to print on 11 inch paper
PageLength13 - Maximum number of lines to print on 13 inch paper
PageLength14 - Maximum number of lines to print on 14 inch paper
PWidth - Number of characters to print on 1 line - Set at 80
ResetPrinter - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
Underline - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
UnElite - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
UnNarrow - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
UnWide - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
Wide - Printer Escape Code up to 20 Characters
SETUP.REC file is created by BOWL the first time you start the
program. It may be re-written from the Change procedure.
File Size = 104 Bytes per bowler.
File Contents and Description:
Number - Bowler ID Number
Last Name - Up to 15 characters
First Name - Up to 15 characters
Street - Up to 30 characters
City - Up to 15 characters
State - Up to 2 characters
ZipCode - Up to 10 characters
Birth date - Up to 8 characters
ADDRESS.REC is created by ADDRESS.COM a mailing label program to
use with your league which shouldn't be run until most of the
league membership has been assured, but should be run before the
sanction cards are turned in. The program will extract the bowler
ID number and name from the BOWLER.LDR file upon request, but
ERASES any ADDRESS.REC there and starts a new file. The file
LEAGUE.LDR must be present for ADDRESS.COM to run.
The LEAGUE.LDR file stores information common to the entire league
and is used by all of the procedures. Its presence is required by
all but the main MENU and the Schedule creation procedure. Of
course the Make procedure starts without this file, but requires
some of the information to be able to complete its job. Number of
Rounds is used in determining the size of the detail files. Number
of Teams is used by the make file itself and in determining the
size of the team detail file. League Type is used to determine
whether to look for 3 or 4 games per match and to determine the
math to use in scoring. Bowlers per Team is used to determine the
amount of space to allow per team on the printouts and in scoring
to skip bowlers. Bowlers per Match is used in scoring.
The TEAM.LDR file stores summary information pertinent to each of
the teams, one record for each of the "Number of Teams" in the
The TEAM.DTL file stores the team scores from each match. This
file is primarily for the secretary, but may be printed using the
PRINT procedure or displayed using the DISPLAY procedure.
The BOWLER.LDR file stores summary information pertinent to each of
the bowlers, one record for each of "Next ID -1" from the
NOTE: Only the Leader(LDR) files and Record(REC) files are used to
print actual reports. The Bowler ID Number must be listed in
the TEAM.LDR and the Team Number in that BOWLER.LDR record
for that bowler to appear on that teams records. Substitutes
use Team Number 0 and any bowler whose record lists Team 0
appears on the substitute list. Should you list more than
LEAGUE.LDR "Bowlers per Team" on a team the remainder will be
The BOWLER.DTL file stores the bowler scores from each match or a
blank record (all 0's) if carried blind. This file is primarily
for the secretary, but may be printed using the PRINT procedure or
displayed using the DISPLAY procedure.
The SCHEDULE.REC file stores the season schedule for use by the
printout procedures.
The SCORES.REC file stores high scores from the last match and is
used to print the round hilites on the round summary sheet or
final report. It can be revised or added to using the REVISE
procedure and displayed using the DISPLAY procedure. This is a
temporary file and is replaced after each match or erased if no
high scores were bowled.
The SETUP.REC file is created by BOWL.COM the first time you start
the program and may be re-written from the Change procedure. This
file holds the type of video adaptor you have and the codes for
your printer. The only thing important about the adaptor entry is
color or monochrome monitor, no use is made of the EGA listing as
yet and it reverts to color. In earlier versions I used a
procedure to determine automatically which video adaptor was
installed, but found that people were connecting monochrome
monitors to CGA, EGA and VGA adaptors. The program colors do not
read well on a monochrome monitor. The set-up procedure allows you
to enter a special printer, but this is not recommended unless you
are very familiar with printer control codes.
The ADDRESS.REC file is created by ADDRESS.COM a mailing label
program to use with your league which shouldn't be run until most
of the league membership has been assured, but should be run before
the sanction cards are turned in. The program will extract the
bowler ID number and name from the BOWLER.LDR file upon request,
but ERASES any ADDRESS.REC there and starts a new file. The file
LEAGUE.LDR must be present for ADDRESS.COM to run. If you have a
sheet feeder on your printer it will address individual sheets for
mailing. It also will produce a 4 line special label on 1" x 3.5"
mailing labels in the quantity desired. I wrote this one day to
label some floppy disks and just left it in for good measure.
The Program is mostly menu driven and should need only a little
trial and error to use. Just type BOWL enter the path to your data
and a MENU will appear, then press M and you are on your way. I
recommend doing a sample league first to get the feel of the
program. One other program is included: "ADDRESS.COM" which lets
you keep an address list of the bowlers and print 1" x 3.5" mail
The following are the most important points to remember when using
this program:
1> IMMEDIATELY after Creating your League and Schedule, MAKE
A BACKUP of these files on a separate disk or path and
2> PRIOR to ENTERING SCORES check your score sheets and be
certain to ADD any NEW SUBSTITUTES and NOTE the RECORD #
of any SUBSTITUTE. I keep a substitute with the last name
*VACANT on my substitute list just in case I slip up at
3> On the TEAM.LDR you may change the Bowler ID's. I suggest
putting the Team Captain in position #1. The Season
Schedule printout assumes this.
4> If you remove a bowler from a team be sure to change the
BOWLER.LDR to show his Team number as 0 so he will appear
on the substitute list.
5> If you add a bowler to a team be sure to change the
BOWLER.LDR to show the new team number.
6> If you change data in the LEAGUE.LDR, QUIT and restart by
entering bowl at the DOS prompt to initialize variables.
7> Run Print Test in the PRINT procedure until you determine
which commands to use for your printer.
To run a Split Season League, at the end of the first half and
after the round summary has been printed, enter the Change
procedure, opt for each Team Leader and change the following to 0;
Points Won, Points Lost and Optionally - Games and Total Pins.
The procedures are first listed on a main MENU which appears after
the File Path screen and the First screen which is just for show.
The menu is divided into sections with "ROUND PROCESSING
PROCEDURES" third. Last shown is the "EXIT PROGRAM" which just
returns your screen to its normal color and returns control to DOS.
You just press the first letter of the desired procedure name to
start that procedure and that procedure will return you to the main
menu under most conditions.
Creation Procedures
The creation procedures are straight through procedures. Once you
start you must finish at the same sitting or start over. They do
have a way back to the menu at the start in the event you reach
them inadvertently. Do these separately, have the data at your
finger tips and allow plenty of time. You can't do this on a 10
minute coffee break.
Procedure #1 BOWLERS
The BOWLERS procedure is a creation procedure and allows the
addition of bowlers after the league has been initialized. Bowlers
are added as subs, then manipulated with the CHANGE procedure to
put them on a team if desired. Remember each team is initialized
with a full complement of bowlers, with those positions not filled
called *Vacant.
Procedure #2 MAKE
The MAKE procedure is a creation procedure and the start of the
Bowling League Secretary's System. This procedure initializes the
files which store the data for the system. Only a few items are
actually required to run MAKE and they all go into the league
leader file. They are:
Number of rounds the league will bowl.
Number of Teams the league will have.
League Type - 8 Types are listed Mens, Womens,
Mixed and Scratch for either 3 or
4 games per match
Bowlers per Team - From 1 to 10, The number of members
allowed on 1 team
Bowlers per Match - From 1 to 8, The number of bowlers
that bowl for 1 team each match
Use Last Year Avg - From 0 to 21 Number of Games to use
last years average
You will be prompted for other information but you can just press
enter if you don't have it and enter it later with the CHANGE
procedure. Bowler last names starting with an asterisk (*) don't
print out on the summary sheets so the unknown bowlers on each team
should be entered last and with a last name that starts with *. I
use *VACANT which I learned from one of the beta testers.
Procedure #3 SCHEDULE
The SCHEDULE procedure is the third creation procedure and not
always necessary for each league. If you have a 16 team 36 round
schedule left over from last season and need one this season you
can change the dates using the CHANGE procedure, copy it onto the
disk or into the path with the league records and use it. This
procedure uses Number of Rounds and Number of Teams from the league
leader file, but will prompt you for these if it isn't present.
Except for the dates you will bowl the remainder of the required
data is on the schedule sheet published by the ABC.
Round Processing Procedures
The round processing procedures are straight through procedures.
Once you start you must finish at the same sitting or start over.
Have the data at your finger tips, but you might be able to do a
small league on a 10 minute coffee break.
Procedure #4 ENTER
The ENTER procedure is used every round to enter the scores. Scores
are entered by team number and in the order the bowler numbers are
listed in that team leader record. The CHANGE procedure can be
used to change this order. Sort your data into team order, be sure
that you have a bowler ID number for each substitute (you can use a
substitute from another team), use the number pad and with a little
practice you can enter a big league in 15 minutes. You have
several chances to start over, but if you practice this with a test
league it will pay for your time in the long run.
Procedure #5 WEEKLY
The WEEKLY procedure is the procedure that prints the round
summary sheet for each round the league is scheduled to bowl. You
will be prompted for print to disk, a message from the secretary,
and the number of high scores to print. If you don't want to print
to disk just press the space bar, you ought to know what length
paper if not measure, for no message from the secretary just press
enter, most leagues print 3 high scores. The entries for the
secretary's message is done in a window 72 spaces wide if you have
a color adaptor CGA, EGA etc. This presents a problem since the
printout has 80 spaces and a | appears on the display 40 spaces in
so you can center if you wish. Each line (up to 10) of your
message can wrap over 8 spaces before pressing enter, any more than
this will be cut off. You MUST PRESS ENTER for each line. If you
have a mono adapter just keep it on the same line. How long this
takes depends entirely upon the printer you use. An IBM PCAT
driving an HP LaserJet+ runs a 20 team file in about 90 seconds,
but some of the older daisy wheel printers might take 30 minutes.
Maintenance Procedures
The maintenance procedures are for the secretary and with the
exception of FINAL which is just the last round summary sheet the
maintenance procedures are groups of related procedures. Starting
a maintenance procedure takes you to another menu where you choose
the actual operation you wish to perform.
Maintenance Procedures
Procedure #6 CHANGE
The CHANGE procedure is a maintenance procedure containing
procedures which:
1. Revise a Bowler Leader Record
2. Revise a Team Leader Record
3. Revise the League Leader Record
4. Revise the Season Schedule
5. Reset Team Leader for Mid Season
6. Reset Records for Next Season
7. Enter New Set Up Record
Q. Quit and Return to the Main Menu
In all cases just pressing enter leaves the scores as they were and
pressing Escape after starting changes allows you to leave without
making changes. Pressing Escape from the top menu allows escape to
DOS so you can restart the program and initialize any variables you
have changed, if you made no changes press Q to return to the main
Procedure #7 REVISE
The REVISE procedure is a continuation of the CHANGE procedure
which became too long for Turbo Pascal. It contains procedures
1. Revise a Bowler Detail Record
2. Revise a Team Detail Record
3. Revise the High Scores Record
Procedure #8 ALPHABETIC
The ALPHABETIC procedure is a maintenance procedure which prints
reports for the ABC, WIBC or both and also prints out a Phone
Number list for the secretary. All of these lists are available
either last name first or first name first. Only the phone number
report will print for bowlers with less than 21 games. Can be
printed to disk and then edited with an ASCII editor such as PC
WRITE. The Phone Number list includes the Bowler ID number.
1 - Print all records, First Name First
2 - Print all records, Last Name First
3 - Print Female records only, First Name First
4 - Print Female records only, Last Name First
5 - Print Male records only, First Name First
6 - Print Male records only, Last Name First
7 - Print Phone Numbers, First Name First
8 - Print Phone Numbers, Last Name First
Q - Quit and Return to the Main Menu
Maintenance Procedures
Procedure #9 DISPLAY
The DISPLAY procedure is a maintenance procedure which displays
detail records on the screen for either a team or a bowler. It
also will display the high scores record.
1. Display a Bowler Detail Record
2. Display a Team Detail Record
3. Display the High Scores Record
Procedure #10 PRINT
The PRINT procedure is a maintenance procedure which prints detail
records by team or bowler, prints the entire files of bowler
leaders, team leaders, bowler details, or team details and prints
the season schedule. In printing the Season Schedule it assumes
that the Bowler Listed First on each team is the Captain. More
than 20 teams requires long paper or maybe two sheets. All can be
printed to disk and then edited with an ASCII editor such as PC
1 - Schedule (Full Season Schedule)
2 - Team Scores
3 - Team List (Number and Name)
4 - Team Leaders (Entire File all Teams)
5 - Team Detail (Entire File all Teams)
6 - Bowler Scores
7 - Bowler List (Number and Name)
8 - Bowler Leaders (Entire File all Bowlers)
9 - Bowler Detail (Entire File all Bowlers)
L - League Leader (Entire File)
H - High Scores Record (Entire File)
G - Get New Printer(Changes Printer Selection)
P - Change Paper Size
T - Test Printer (Checks Printer Selection)
Q - Quit and Return to Main Menu
Procedure #11 FINAL
The FINAL procedure is actually the same as the WEEKLY procedure
except that it doesn't print a schedule and it prints season final
high scores and shows improvement for each bowler who has 21 or
more games. Can be printed to disk and then edited with an ASCII
editor such as PC WRITE.
Bowling League Secretary's System Page 14
Bowlers per Match: The number of bowlers who bowl for one team in
each match and whose score counts in that
Bowlers per Team: The maximum number of members a team is allowed.
File Dump: A listing of all data in a data file.
Match: A meeting of two teams in competition, usually
2, 3 or 4 games.
Pacer: A Team Member who bowls with the team and whose
score counts for the bowlers average, but does
not count for the team score for that match.
Path: The Drive and Sub-Directory where the required
files are stored.
Round: One Time that a League meets. For most of you
this is weekly and the Secretary still has Week
in places. There are many leagues that meet
monthly or on some indefinite schedule and then
bowl 2 or more rounds at that meet.
Bowling League Secretary's System Page 15
Appendix A
Tips for Special Occasions
1. Partial Substitute: When a substitute bowls only part of a
match and a different player bowls the rest; Enter scores for
one player (your choice) with 0 for games not bowled. This
will cause the program to ask for blind scores. Enter 0's for
games where scores were entered and the other players score(s).
Enter S for Team handicap and then enter each games handicap
separately. This will cause the team score to be correct.
Next note the other players bowler number, go to the Change
procedure and change that bowler leader to reflect 1 more round
bowled, ? more game(s) bowled and change as required; total
pins, average, high game, and high game handicap (only if 21
games have been bowled). Now note the rounds bowled, quit to
save your changes and then go to the Revise procedure and
change that players bowler detail record for the round noted.
2. Remove Weekly HiLites: If you do not wish to print the Weekly
HiLites, press Q to return to DOS after entering the weekly
scores. Change to the drive or path with your data files
(usually B:) then type DEL SCORES.REC press enter and it's
done. No HiLites to print so none will be printed.
3. Note on Handicap: This program does not record an individual
handicap until it is legal under ABC/WIBC rules (21 Games)
although it does figure average and handicap from the first for
the round summary sheet. This means that the round summary
sheet won't show high game or series handicap until the league
has bowled over 21 games nor will the Alphabetic procedure
print lists other than the phone list until 21 games have been
bowled. This is locked in to too many procedures to change so
if you use this program you will have to adjust to this.
Please write the author with any suggestions for improvement or
with details of any bugs you might find. The authors name and
address is:
Lloyd C. Bowen Jr.
2213 Peach Tree St.
Amarillo, TX 79109-1922
The Source Code in Turbo Pascal Version 3 is available on a
DSDD (360k) diskette for a fee of $50.
Bowling League Secretary's System Page 16
Input/Output (I/O) Error List
The screen will appear as follows:
I/O error NN, PC=(some address)
where NN = a hexadecimal number.
The following includes all errors which have ever been reported:
A file is missing from your data disk, in most cases this
error is trapped and you will be questioned within the
The command FILES=16 or more doesn't appear in the computers
CONFIG.SYS file. Occurs when entering scores.
Usually occurs when there are files on the data disk which
have 0 bytes.
The disk is full, no more room to write. You may have to go
to a hard disk or a larger floppy format. Should happen for
very large leagues only.
You are trying to create a file and there is no more room in
the disk directory. I believe this occurs on some computers
when the command FILES = 16 or more doesn't appear in the
computers CONFIG.SYS file. It will occur if you enter a
"PATH" which doesn't exist. Default means just hit enter.
You don't have the commands (FILES=16 and BUFFERS=20) or more
in your CONFIG.SYS file or you haven't re-booted the computer
since entering them.
You took the disk out too soon.
Run Time Error List
This was reported by someone trying to run a scratch league
using the womens league setting and occurred when the
program started to try to print high handicap scores.
Bowling League Secretary's System Page 17
Tips for New Users
1. If you haven't studied MS-DOS take a course at your local
community college or at least buy and use a DOS tutor. This
manual assumes that you know how to format, copy, rename and if
you use a hard disk how to make, remove and change directories
2. League Initialization (Make): For the league leader you will need:
League Name, Alley Name, President's Name, Secretary's Name,
Season (ie 1989 - 1990), President's Phone, Secretary's Phone,
Sanction Number, *Number of Rounds, *Number of Teams, *League
Type, *Bowlers per Team (Number allowed on 1 team), *Bowlers per
Match (For 1 team only), *Handicap Base, *Handicap
Percent(Handicap Base minus Average times Handicap Percent equals
Individual Handicap), *Number of games to use last year average,
Does league include substitutes in individual standings?, Print
high averages in individual standings (High Rollers)?, Re-
calculate high game handicap for the first 21 games after a 21
game average has been set for this season?, Print team high scores
scratch?(this refers to the team standings on the round and final
summary sheets). * Mandatory to start Make (the league
initialization procedure). ? Indicates yes or no answer.
3. The Enter procedure will always insist upon scores for the number
of bowlers per match, but if you have more bowlers per team you
can enter SB and skip to the next bowler as long as you have
bowlers on the team, otherwise you must use substitutes or blind
scores. You can also enter pacers, but they must be handled as
follows; note the number of your first actual team bowler whose
score counts, enter SUB in game 1 then the number of your pacer,
enter pacers scores (they won't add to team scores), the pacers
record will reappear, enter SUB again and the next pacers number
or the first actual bowler if pacers have all been entered. Note
that the number of pacers cannot exceed the number of bowlers per
team less the number of bowlers per match, or you can make the
bowlers per match equal to bowlers per team and always enter P for
bowlers whose scores don't count. This way you have to enter 0's
for all game scores and blind scores if they didn't bowl and
didn't count as a blind. This is only for leagues who allow
pacers and count the games toward their average. I do not
recommend this.
4. Test for the correct printer by entering the Print procedure and
running the print test for different printers until you are
satisfied, if none satisfy you use pure ASCII and edit and print
from your word processor. When you have done this enter the
Change procedure and create a new set up using this printer. For
those who understand printer codes, you may select a printer with
codes similar to yours then press the space bar when asked if you
want to use this printer and change the codes that don't suit you.